
So many awards, YAYYY!!! I’d like to thank everyone who nominated me for these amazing awards, I love you so much and I thank you for reading all the crap I write, also today is a very special day, I just finished my 100 followers. YAY!! 😀 thank you awesome people, these awards feel like an Oscar to me 😛

As you all know I’m a very lazy person and all the awards have bundled up I’ll be doing them in one post 😀 So let the party begin!!

Here are the rules for this award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you. Thanks a lot ❤  *sends loads and loads of chocolates*
  • List seven random things about yourself.
  • Nominate seven bloggers.

So the 7 random facts about me:

  1. I’m an Insomnomnomniac.
  2. I cry during movies 😛 and also some novels.
  3. I want to go to Hogwarts. 😛
  4. I’m nyctophilic.
  5. My fictional boyfriend is Augustus Waters. ❤
  6.  I’m 20 year old, no wait I guess i’m 19, i’m really confused about this. 😛
  7. I have the super power of converting any straight conversation to dirty in just seconds. 😛

So here are the crazy random facts about me and now the nominations, I’m keeping it  open because everyone I nominate is already nominated, because you all are so awesome, so this one is for everyone and anyone who wants to do it because you are all beautiful. Wait this doesn’t sound right, bahh!! never mind 😀


Okay 1 more award, it is raining awards!!! 😀 So again my harry potter buddy SKY, nominated me for the ‘very inspiring blogger award’. Me and inspiring? WOW!! So let’s get started.

The rules are very simple (yet the same as the previous ones hehe):

1. Thank the person who nominated you. Thanks again, Potterhead ❤
2. Add the logo to your post. CHECK!
3. Answer the questions.
4. Nominate ten other bloggers who inspire you.

Here are the questions I gotta answer:

1) Do you believe that hope can move mountains?

YES I believe it and I have experienced it. 😀

2) What is the most inspiring food for you?

Chocolates obviously, do you even have to ask? 😛

3) What (or who) inspires your blog posts and motivates you to keep going?

Umm okay this is tough, and I just can think of 1 person, he kind of popped up in my head 😛 yes you all know him, The brown eyed guy. 😛

4) Which has been the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? What makes the book so inspiring for you?

HARRY POTTER ❤ it taught me to believe that how much ever scary the demons are they can be defeated, also that magic is real if you believe in it 😀

5) Do you think this is funny?

HAHA, yes it is 😛 😀 I don’t know but this is the perfect combo of both my favourite series.

So that’s it for the questions. Now the nominations.

  1. Yashluv he is a special one 😀 got me back into writing ❤
  2. S
  3. PCB
  4. BENJI
  5. Shubham
  6. SUP
  7. Every one of you here inspires me in some way or another so the rest of the nominations are open. ❤

So the questions:

  1. Which is the first book you read?
  2. If you are asked to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
  3. if you had the chance to travel the whole world would you like to travel alone or with someone?
  4. Which HARRY POTTER house, would you like to be put in?
  5. Are you sapiosexual?

Thanks again SKY. ❤


This one is a little different,and I have the amazing Itsmine to thank. if you haven’t checked out his blog yet, run the clock is ticking, trust me he is awesome. Thanks BOY. 😀

The rules for this award are mentioned below…

  •    Post it on your blog.
  •    Add the Encouraging Thunder logo.
  •    Grant other bloggers the award.
  •    Mention your purpose in blogging.
  •    Thanks the person who nominated you.

Purpose In Blogging

I write because I do not know any other way to get my feelings out or to tell people I love them or hate them or adore them.

Now here are few of my nominations:

  1. Sky
  2. Nishita
  3. Gaurav Chaplot
  4. Rob
  5. Asil
  6. Erika

As always you are free to reject or accept this 😀

61 thoughts on “SO many AWARDS!”

  1. The sapiosexual question? Girl, you won me over! 😂
    I know practically no one who uses the word apart from me, and it is such fun to know you Di it too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, dear Ayushi, to all these great awards. You are wonderful young woman and everybody sees that! Thank you for nominating me for one of my favorite awards. This one means a lot to me!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey! Congratulations my chocolate hogger. :p You will only get <3s and no chocolates from me, of course. :p
    100 followers! This is big! Party! Bask in the achievement, gurlllll! You deserve it. 😀
    I have already done the inspiring award but I will be adding you in my thank you notes. 😀 I will take the other one, that you have kept open. 😉
    Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

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