Let’s PARTAAAYY!!!!! :D


You might be thinking, why am I being so overly euphoric, gaiety or whatever you might call . Yes I’m on the top of the world today, on the 7th cloud, 9th cloud and I actually do not know what I am currently saying 😛 just ignore it I’m really happy!

Oh, and the reason for this felicity is, I just received my 1st award!! YAYYY!! 😀

So one of my very dear co-blogger Rob from  The V-pub nominated me for my veryyy first award. THE DRAGON’S LOYALTY AWARD!! Do not fail to visit his blog, he’s really amazing, the link is below, once again thanks Rob, I’ll be forever grateful for this.

Rules of the Dragon’s Loyalty Award

  1. Accept the award with thanks and smile your favourite smile.
  2. Give your readers 5 facts about you.
  3. Nominate other bloggers and let them know.

Here are 5 facts about me

  1.  I’m a really, really, really lazy person and sleeping is my favourite hobby apart from reading.
  2. I love chocolates to the extent that my mother warns me not to take them from strangers, yeah she thinks I’ll  be kidnapped by the person 😛
  3.  I luurvveee  Harry Potter and I divide every person I meet into the 4 houses and despise people in slytherin.
  4. I love super-hero movies.
  5. I secretly wish to own a minion.

My Nominations

I actually have no idea what the award is and why it is given, but I’m going to award it to some of my stupendo fantubulous fellow bloggers.



  1. Inquisitive Minds and Stubborn Hearts
  3. Walkingtomydreams13
  4. Gaurav Chaplot


As always, please don’t feel obliged to accept this award, but if you do, please let me know! ☺️



83 thoughts on “Let’s PARTAAAYY!!!!! :D”

  1. Thank you for nominating me 😀 I will write a post in response right away 😀 oh and congratulations on your very first nominations 😀 many more are coming your way 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations ! You deserve it. And this is just the beginning to a long list of awards, coming your way 🙂
    I wish you achieve all what you have wanted always 🙂
    Long live ❤
    And thankyou so much for, nominating me. I am wonderstruck-enchanted-speechless-euphoria.

    Stay You. Stay Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That was a wonderful response to the nomination, Ayushi! I see that you have two awards already! I’ll have chocolate bar in celebration of your success!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I hate sleep yaar 😀 It doesn’t mean I don’t sleep 😛 bas 5 hours are good enough to go 😉 the more I sleep,the more lazy I feel the whole day 😀 now I think you can categorize me to Slytherin and be done with the Sorting Hat ? 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      2. ohh my 5 hours good enough??? :O yeah sleep and lazy go hand in hand i agree 😛 Haha slytherin? you want me to put you in slytherin,,:/ i had a Ravenclaw vibe from you 😛 so what am i the sorting hat? 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Ok Professor, then better you take my detentions instead of that fat, pink dressed, cat loving Umbridge and you can teach me animagus also and also detain me for my ill words:D and also deduct house points 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      4. and now I think awarding some single digit points to Mr. B for this great idea won’t hamper your reputation 😀 and I am the luckiest guy to learn Animagus from you 😛 even though Sirius Black would be the best but he’s in Azkaban 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Oh yeah Sirius as hell !! 😉 Thank you for the 5 points & heads-up that flattery won’t help me much 😛 for more details you can read this: http://hpmor.com/
        This is written by a fan of HP,in which all the characters are the same but the story is different. And to raise your interest, Ron is in Rawenclaw(as told by a friend, I haven’t read this yet). I don’t want to spoil my HP story by reading it so avoiding. But, if I don’t have anythign to read in future, I would read this I guess 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Ohh a fan fiction? i’d love to read it 😀 Thanks 😀 i really get bored all day doin nothin 😛 this is gonna help 5 points to ravenclaw agaain 😛
        *i’m a ravenclaw too,shhh no telling this to anyone :P*

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Oh Wow !! See I am good at collecting points also 😉 and great Ron will be with us 😛 Wish Ginnie was in Ravenclaw than Ron *starry eyed* 😉 Yo you can read the fan fiction and tell me the story as I am a very good listener 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Oh I thought this Professor is kind of cool one who if need be help me with getting my crushes 😛 but I just over thought things 😀 and yeah you first complete the fan fiction and then listening to you will be fun 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      9. ofc the prof is the coolest, have you ever seen someone more cool than prof.mcgonagall even snape is scared of her 😀 except for Dumbledore 😛 haha i’ll sure complete it and let you know 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      10. Oh yes yes !! See I said I read it all so very long back 😉 One of my close friends is rereading HP !! I have also planned to read but can’t see that happening anytime sooner 😦 Yo I loved Lupin also 😛 Don’t deduct points Prof. Cut some slack 😀

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