
He was the one she fell for, not because of his looks, but for his words, his messy soul, his reckless mind, his never-ending chatter about technology. She fell for the sound of his laughter, the unsolved mysteries behind his eyes, his disability to see how utterly unprecedented he was, his confusions, she fell for everything he hid. She fell for the darkness within him; she fell for his demons, for his broken heart, for his paradox.

He was a thunderstorm raging within; he was seductive like the twilight’s alluring hues, he was every conundrum, every obscurity put together in one body. He was planet earth’s enigma.

He was a daydream concealed in a nightmare, he could be as serene as the moon on a cloudless night but then sometimes he could rage on like oceans, he was an unpredictable chaos.

He was poetry that could knot all your arteries together; he was the most speculative, fancy novel someone could have written. He was a dream, a dream too good to be true.


He was a cluster of pixie dust, his laughter sounds like summertime and to see him laugh his heart out was the most spectacular sight. He literally was a walking nuclear meltdown, someone who could send ricochets of a feeling you’ve never known before. He could make your heart skip a beat or pump blood at rates that could make it explode. He could look at you and you could feel trapped and sometimes he was the sole way to freedom and he could do it all in one moment.

It was when she met him she knew that the home she longed for was not a place, it was a feeling and then on the road she thought she was lost on, on the long-lost road called life she found her sense of direction, she found him.

-A ❤

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